Carlos Bautista
  • Carlos Bautista
  • Email: carlosbautistaleon@gmail.com
  • Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Sciences–IOP PAN-
    Al. Adama Mickiewicza 33, 31-120 Krakow, Poland

Carlos Bautista

Human-Bear Conflicts Expert Team Co-chair

Carlos is a researcher at the Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Science. Since 2012, he is been working to understand the different factors driving human–wildlife conflicts and coexistence, with a special focus in the occurrence of damage caused by brown bears to livestock and agriculture in Europe. Carlos approaches the study of human–bear conflicts with a multiscale and interdisciplinary perspective. For his PhD thesis he focussed on the ecological factors driving brown bear damage occurrence at the continental and local spatial scales through a combination of methods from different disciplines, including ecological modelling and remote sensing analyses. His research interest also covers the social dimensions of conflicts; he has been involved in different studies aiming to understand the social psychological mechanisms underlying the relationships between perceived threats, attitudes towards wildlife and manageability of wildlife damage.