Ximena Velez-Liendo
  • Ximena Velez-Liendo
  • Email: x.velezliendo@gmail.com
  • WildCRU, University of Oxford/ Chester Zoo
    Tarija, Bolivia

Ximena Velez-Liendo

Andean Bear Expert Team Co-chair

Ximena is conservation fellow at Chester Zoo UK, and research associate at WildCRU, University of Oxford also in the UK. Based in Bolivia, Xime has been actively involved in the study of the ecology and conservation of Andean bears in her country. She obtained a M.S. in Geographic Information Systems at the University of Leicester, UK, and later joined the Evolutionary and Ecology group at the University of Antwerp, Belgium as a Ph.D. student.  Currently, she is principal researcher in a joint project of Chester Zoo and WildCRU which aims to assess human-bear conflict occurring in the Inter-Andean dry forests of Tarija, Bolivia, and to estimate bear’s population size.