John Beecham
  • John Beecham
  • Email: john.beecham@gmail.com
  • Boise, Idaho, USA

John Beecham

Human-Bear Conflicts Expert Team Co-chair

John has been involved in bear research and management since 1972. He completed his Ph.D. at the University of Montana in 1980. He is a past president of the International Association for Bear Research and Management (IBA) and has also served that organization as a Council member, associate editor, and newsletter editor. John worked for the Idaho Department of Fish and Game for over 29 years, including 12 years conducting research on black bears. He continues to work as a consultant on efforts to release orphan bears and other species back to the wild and on human-bear conflict issues. In May 2007 he co-chaired an international workshop in Russia on rehabilitation and release of orphan bear cubs.